Service Quality Performance

Our Service Quality scheme ensures we get the basics right for our customers.

As part of our commitment to customer experience, we operate a Service Quality Regime (SQR) to audit our physical assets and our people throughout the West Midlands area. Due to the impact of Covid-19, our SQR was temporarily suspended however, our new and improved regime resumed on 19 September 2021.

The benchmarks* for the scheme are set by the Department for Transport (DfT). We use the benchmarks to focus on how we can improve our station and on-train experience and how well we perform in customer service.

* where there are two figures for our benchmarks - this is due to the fact that they increase part way through the year (start of Period 09)

Our latest results are below. We will update these results every four weeks so you can track our performance.

STATIONS Year 5 Average Year 6 Average P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12 P13 Pass Rate Benchmark
Ambience & Assets 73% 76.72% 79.71%


- Lighting 93% 91.07% 100.00% 75%
- Seating 61% 83.97% 85.45% 75%
- Shelters / Canopies 78% 77.68% 79.31% 75%
- Lifts / Escalators / Ramps 87% 82.89% 87.76% 75%
- Toilet operation 56% 54.49% 54.17% 75%
- Car / Cycle Parking 64% 66.01% 67.24% 75%
- Vegetation 90% 93.81% 100.00% 75%
Cleanliness 62% 66.70% 64.45% 65%
- General cleanliness 75% 75.86% 73.33% 65%
- Toilet cleanliness 86% 85.51% 100.00% 65%
- Litter 53% 62.23% 44.00% 65%
- Graffiti & Etching 31% 40.84% 46.27% 65%
Information 68% 70.77% 70.51% 71%
- CIS / Displays 78% 72.14% 71.19% 71%
- Help points 41% 31.46% 23.81% 71%
- Posters and frames 56% 72.65% 80.00% 71%
- Public Address system 85% 82.04% 71.93% 71%
- Signage & Information 63% 71.73% 75.44% 71%
- Information during delays 93% 90.38% 100.00% 71%
Ticketing & Staffing 85% 87.49% 80.76% 86%
- Ticket vending machines 69% 81.39% 70.91% 86%
- Ticket office 80% 83.57% 72.73% 86%
- Staff presence 93% 85.01% 79.41% 86%
- Ticket gates 100% 100.00% 100.00% 86%
Total 72% 75.42% 73.86%

FLEET Year 5 Average Year 6 Average P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12 P13 Pass Rate Benchmark
Ambience 82% 86.62% 91.61% 85%
- Heating & Lighting 82% 86.93% 92.65% 85%
- Seating 95% 96.47% 98.50% 85%
- Vehicle interior 93% 92.90% 96.59% 85%
- Accessibility 92% 96.58% 99.50% 85%
- Toilet operation 48% 62.02% 72.00% 85%
Cleanliness 93% 95.06% 96.31% 95%
- Exterior cleanliness 98% 99.58% 98.99% 95%
- Interior cleanliness 88% 93.82% 98.50% 95%
- Graffiti & Etching 91% 91.68% 91.67% 95%
- Litter 94% 93.42% 94.17% 95%
- Toilet cleanliness 94% 98.25% 98.33% 95%
Information 83% 80.87% 93.53% 83%
- Information screens 84% 77.75% 77.88% 83%
- Announcements 96% 92.81% 100.00% 83%
- Wi-Fi 94% 97.14% 95.54% 83%
- Posters and frames 63% 61.19% 98.01% 83%
- Disruption info 87% 81.68% 100.00% 83%
Total 86% 87.52% 93.82%

Customer Service Year 5 Average Year 6 Average P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12 P13 Pass Rate Benchmark
Staff Helpfulness 92% 96.20% 94.80% 93%
- Stations 90% 93.65% 95.00% 93%
- Trains 94% 98.75% 94.59% 93%
Online Information 95% 98.85% 100.00% 95%
- Social Media 91% 96.15% 100.00% 95%
- Info & Contact 97% 100.00% 100.00% 95%
Total 93% 97.53% 97.40%
STATIONS Year 4 Average Year 5 Average P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12 P13 Pass Rate Benchmark
Ambience & Assets 72% 73% 69.57% 71.64% 78.00% 74.86% 81.09% 81.43% 73.99% 76.94% 71.89% 79.97% 75.74% 78.93% 83.27% 76.72% 72%
- Lighting 97% 93% 77.50% 86.49% 89.74% 97.22% 91.43% 93.94% 100.00% 96.97% 82.05% 88.89% 94.74% 87.80% 97.14% 91.07% 72%
- Seating 55% 61% 68.66% 64.41% 82.69% 80.36% 82.35% 86.27% 88.46% 88.00% 85.45% 90.74% 91.67% 94.12% 88.46% 83.97% 72%
- Shelters / Canopies 81% 78% 78.33% 75.00% 83.64% 77.59% 79.25% 77.78% 77.78% 71.93% 70.69% 82.46% 77.78% 78.00% 79.66% 77.68% 72%
- Lifts / Escalators / Ramps 90% 87% 80.85% 83.33% 89.58% 90.24% 78.57% 93.18% 68.75% 81.82% 77.55% 97.44% 83.72% 72.55% 80.00% 82.89% 72%
- Toilet operation 53% 56% 52.63% 56.52% 56.00% 45.45% 83.33% 66.67% 40.91% 47.37% 44.00% 45.45% 35.00% 63.64% 71.43% 54.49% 72%
- Car / Cycle Parking 64% 64% 48.05% 58.33% 62.12% 57.38% 63.33% 69.84% 67.21% 74.58% 65.52% 74.14% 70.69% 67.24% 79.66% 66.01% 72%
- Vegetation 88% 90% 100.00% 98.00% 92.00% 84.00% 84.62% 86.54% 88.24% 96.00% 98.04% 100.00% 98.00% 98.04% 96.08% 93.81% 72%
Cleanliness 64% 62% 57.16% 65.64% 61.99% 64.78% 68.72% 61.26% 73.84% 77.55% 63.13% 67.45% 73.46% 66.63% 65.45% 66.70% 63%
- General cleanliness 81% 75% 63.49% 70.49% 71.19% 66.67% 65.08% 70.69% 84.91% 83.93% 83.64% 76.67% 83.93% 81.82% 83.64% 75.86% 63%
- Toilet cleanliness 89% 86% 100.00% 100.00% 68.18% 91.67% 100.00% 80.00% 66.67% 100.00% 47.83% 100.00% 100.00% 82.35% 75.00% 85.51% 63%
- Litter 47% 53% 45.57% 59.42% 66.13% 62.50% 74.55% 55.07% 81.48% 75.00% 63.49% 55.71% 63.49% 52.94% 53.62% 62.23% 63%
- Graffiti & Etching 38% 31% 22.22% 33.33% 35.80% 38.46% 34.18% 37.66% 52.94% 49.33% 47.14% 38.67% 46.15% 48.65% 46.38% 40.84% 63%
Information 66% 68% 70.51% 71.26% 72.91% 73.01% 76.64% 70.53% 63.18% 80.17% 75.14% 69.09% 72.87% 66.90% 57.80% 70.77% 71%
- CIS / Displays 76% 78% 74.14% 67.21% 74.58% 64.52% 81.13% 75.00% 53.52% 95.83% 83.33% 57.97% 72.41% 74.58% 63.64% 72.14% 71%
- Help points 42% 41% 32.91% 41.33% 34.21% 38.36% 35.21% 39.44% 25.00% 38.89% 28.21% 30.67% 24.05% 20.22% 20.48% 31.46% 71%
- Posters and frames 45% 56% 56.16% 75.86% 76.79% 69.64% 73.21% 69.49% 86.79% 61.90% 78.95% 65.15% 75.86% 73.21% 81.48% 72.65% 71%
- Public Address system 86% 85% 93.88% 82.35% 79.25% 94.12% 90.48% 85.42% 82.69% 93.33% 82.35% 83.33% 84.78% 54.84% 59.68% 82.04% 71%
- Signage & Information 65% 63% 56.94% 58.46% 70.00% 67.24% 73.68% 72.41% 77.78% 81.48% 72.88% 76.36% 76.27% 80.00% 68.97% 71.73% 71%
- Information during delays 90% 93% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 75.00% 50.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 50.00% 90.38% 71%
Ticketing & Staffing 89% 85% 84.08% 93.04% 94.09% 87.86% 89.13% 82.71% 83.61% 84.86% 85.93% 82.95% 82.79% 95.15% 91.17% 87.49% 86%
- Ticket vending machines 77% 69% 82.14% 91.84% 76.36% 90.00% 85.11% 61.29% 81.48% 91.30% 81.48% 66.07% 79.17% 84.31% 87.50% 81.39% 86%
- Ticket office 85% 80% 74.19% 90.00% 100.00% 83.33% 85.71% 82.61% 76.47% 74.07% 80.77% 85.71% 72.00% 96.30% 85.19% 83.57% 86%
- Staff presence 94% 93% 80.00% 90.32% 100.00% 78.13% 85.71% 86.96% 76.47% 74.07% 81.48% 80.00% 80.00% 100.00% 92.00% 85.01% 86%
- Ticket gates 100% 100% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 86%
Total 73% 72% 70.33% 75.40% 76.75% 75.13% 78.90% 73.98% 73.66% 79.88% 74.02% 74.87% 76.22% 76.90% 74.42% 75.42% 73%

FLEET Year 4 Average Year 5 Average P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12 P13 Pass Rate Benchmark
Ambience 82% 82% 83.08% 85.17% 85.41% 88.22% 78.49% 82.75% 85.08% 87.78% 87.55% 87.45% 89.69% 92.11% 93.23% 86.62% 82%
- Heating & Lighting 76% 82% 85.45% 85.91% 86.11% 82.43% 77.41% 85.25% 91.83% 87.56% 89.10% 91.04% 88.04% 89.57% 90.43% 86.93% 82%
- Seating 92% 95% 97.03% 94.55% 93.75% 97.52% 95.15% 95.61% 96.62% 96.57% 96.55% 94.20% 97.56% 99.00% 100.00% 96.47% 82%
- Vehicle interior 93% 93% 92.68% 93.69% 92.72% 96.04% 88.26% 85.25% 86.88% 94.63% 95.10% 93.69% 97.52% 96.10% 95.07% 92.90% 82%
- Accessibility 90% 92% 91.98% 96.57% 94.23% 97.06% 95.63% 97.06% 98.02% 98.51% 99.50% 97.06% 95.63% 94.23% 100.00% 96.58% 82%
- Toilet operation 60% 48% 49.17% 56.07% 60.87% 68.69% 39.57% 56.10% 57.28% 63.10% 58.95% 62.22% 69.23% 81.93% 83.12% 62.02% 82%
Cleanliness 93% 93% 95.53% 91.80% 93.64% 95.10% 95.83% 95.29% 95.08% 95.34% 96.47% 94.86% 97.47% 94.28% 95.13% 95.06% 92%
- Exterior cleanliness 98% 98% 99.50% 99.00% 98.01% 100.00% 100.00% 99.00% 100.00% 100.00% 99.50% 100.00% 99.50% 100.00% 100.00% 99.58% 92%
- Interior cleanliness 85% 88% 94.53% 86.51% 94.66% 91.43% 94.09% 98.51% 91.00% 96.04% 96.08% 91.00% 96.55% 94.66% 94.63% 93.82% 92%
- Graffiti & Etching 92% 91% 94.03% 91.04% 88.73% 91.18% 90.00% 92.50% 91.54% 92.50% 92.08% 92.04% 93.03% 92.04% 91.09% 91.68% 92%
- Litter 96% 94% 93.50% 88.37% 90.19% 95.02% 98.01% 90.05% 95.10% 89.15% 95.54% 96.57% 99.00% 92.72% 91.26% 93.42% 92%
- Toilet cleanliness 92% 94% 97.33% 97.18% 97.44% 100.00% 98.53% 96.51% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 96.97% 100.00% 93.33% 100.00% 98.25% 92%
Information 84% 83% 73.56% 79.54% 70.94% 71.37% 76.64% 67.59% 82.35% 88.20% 86.57% 86.47% 89.22% 87.75% 91.08% 80.87% 83%
- Information screens 86% 84% 79.65% 82.43% 74.90% 52.61% 75.83% 76.60% 79.56% 84.40% 82.27% 78.32% 85.92% 73.89% 84.40% 77.75% 83%
- Announcements 95% 96% 97.06% 91.04% 85.14% 55.56% 99.50% 100.00% 100.00% 97.06% 98.51% 92.86% 98.02% 98.02% 93.75% 92.81% 83%
- Wi-Fi 96% 94% 95.61% 95.15% 98.02% 98.99% 91.08% 99.50% 98.00% 97.00% 98.00% 98.99% 98.48% 97.49% 96.53% 97.14% 83%
- Posters and frames 63% 63% 41.77% 46.62% 40.65% 53.00% 34.78% 53.95% 62.64% 72.54% 66.28% 75.11% 73.55% 86.98% 87.56% 61.19% 83%
- Disruption info 92% 87% 62.50% 100.00% N/A 56.00% 100.00% 0.00% 80.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% N/A 100.00% 81.68% 83%
Total 86% 86% 84.06% 85.50% 83.33% 84.90% 83.65% 81.88% 87.50% 90.44% 90.20% 89.59% 92.13% 91.38% 93.15% 87.52% 86%

Customer Service Year 4 Average Year 5 Average P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12 P13 Pass Rate Benchmark
Staff Helpfulness 84% 92% 98.84% 95.70% 95.23% 97.56% 95.35% 92.71% 97.32% 95.12% 98.84% 94.87% 96.43% 97.44% 95.24% 96.20% 90%
- Stations 82% 90% 97.67% 95.74% 92.68% 95.12% 90.70% 87.80% 96.97% 90.24% 97.67% 92.31% 92.86% 94.87% 92.86% 93.65% 90%
- Trains 86% 94% 100.00% 95.65% 97.78% 100.00% 100.00% 97.62% 97.67% 100.00% 100.00% 97.44% 100.00% 100.00% 97.62% 98.75% 90%
Online Information 88% 95% 98.50% 98.50% 98.50% 98.50% 97.00% 98.50% 100.00% 100.00% 97.00% 100.00% 100.00% 98.50% 100.00% 98.85% 95%
- Social Media 85% 91% 95.00% 95.00% 95.00% 95.00% 90.00% 95.00% 100.00% 100.00% 90.00% 100.00% 100.00% 95.00% 100.00% 96.15% 95%
- Info & Contact 89% 97% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 95%
Total 80% 93% 98.67% 97.10% 96.87% 98.03% 96.18% 95.61% 98.66% 97.56% 97.92% 97.44% 98.22% 97.97% 97.62% 97.53% 93%