PlusBus tickets

Save money on bus travel when you travel by train

PlusBus is discounted price bus pass you buy as an add-on to your train ticket. PlusBus give you unlimited bus and tram travel (on most or all operators services) around the whole urban area of your selected town that’s at the start or end of your train journey.

Buy Plusbus tickets

PlusBus tickets explained

  • Unlimited travel on participating buses and tram services
  • You can buy PlusBus tickets for the start, finish or both ends of your train journey
  • No peak restrictions
  • PlusBus tickets are usually cheaper than buying a bus pass from the main bus company in town.
  • Under 16 years old? You pay half price of adult day ticket prices.
  • Most Railcard holders get 1/3 off the price of PlusBus day tickets.
  • Buy PlusBus with any of the following train tickets: single, day return, period return or Season ticket
  • PlusBus season tickets available for weekly, monthly, three-monthly or annual tickets

Just so you know...

For information on participating operators' services and zone maps, visit the PlusBus website .


Save a third on PlusBus day tickets with railcards . Railcard time restrictions apply, but railcard minimum fares don’t apply to PlusBus. You can’t get railcard discounts on PlusBus Season tickets.

How to buy a PlusBus ticket

There's a few ways you can buy a PlusBus day ticket (with your train ticket):

  • Online with our journey planner - when selecting 'seating and other options', click the 'Explore extra options' link. Select your ticket choices again to see PlusBus options.
  • Visit us at a staffed station, and our friendly team will help you out
  • At a 'self-service' ticket machine - available at many stations
  • Call us if you prefer on 0333 311 0039 - we can help you find the right price and train

Buy Plusbus tickets